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1. Do You Have My Date Available?

Have you seen the Hitched article "32 Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer"? There are some really great questions listed (and some of the answers not so great) so I thought I'd answer them in a series of blogs. The first one is really easy and obvious!

Do I have your date available? I once had a whole conversation with a lovely bride to be without asking her date. And at the end of it all when we finally covered that it turned out that I wasn't available... I was gutted and completely embarrassed of course as it's the first thing I should have asked! So I won't make that mistake again for sure. If you like my work then it's always worth messaging me to check if I have your date available.

At the moment most people seem to be booking last minute, however slowly but surely things are returning to normal and people are booking a year to two years in advance again, so photography is always the thing, besides venue and date, to book first!


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